Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Potlatch Art

Canada and India

Canada and India were both influenced by the imperialistic attitude of the British. They came into both countries, and tried to force the Native people of those lands to do things their way. In many ways they were successful, but in many ways they were not. The British had a goal to colonize these two countries. They told the people that they were in charge now and they better do what they say. They put many of the Natives in reform schools, in which they taught them European ways and beliefs. The British tried to take away the traditional culture of the Natives, and instead impose their culture on them. They thought that their values and way of life were much better, so they believed they were doing the Natives a favor and bettering their way of life. One of the biggest sources of this Imperialism came from the East India Trading Company. However, the native people didn't think so. They liked their way of life and their cultural beliefs. In India, one pacifist leader called Mahatma Gandhi was opposed to the rule and imposition of culture that the British were enforcing. He believed it was unjust.

The British imperialism wasn't all bad. They brought many great things to Canada and India. For example, they brought guns that helped the Natives to hunt more efficiently. They also started a new education system and were able to teach the Natives many things. They also brought things such as medicine that helped stop disease from wiping out whole tribes and villages. These things helped to improve the way of life that the Natives had.

However, in spite of the good, British imperialism in Canada and India had many downsides. Children were taken away from their families and put in reform schools. This happened so that they the Natives would get British culture and belief ingrained in them at a young age. The Native people were treated very poorly by the British. They were looked down on and were often not treated with respect.

Australia's and Canada's Imperialistic Policies

Australia and Canada both have histories of imperialistic attitudes. These attitudes were directed towards the native Aboriginal people that originally lived in these countries. In both cases, Europeans came in and took over, forcing the Aboriginals off the land that they had originally lived on.

Canada was seen as a new world, so many people came to it for land and resources. Resources such as beavers were hunted to make hats, and buffalo were hunted for sport. Forts, towns, and buildings were built in strategic locations, often taking over part of the Natives traditional hunting and living grounds. The land and resources were depleted, taking much away from the traditional lifestyle of the natives.

Australia was used as a dump for European criminals. They came in and took over, building towns and cities. They started hunting the wild game, depleting many of the resources that were of importance to the way of life that the Aboriginals had.

The Europeans claimed much of the land, a concept that made no sense to the Native people of both Canada and Australia, who did not believe in owning land. Both countries forced the Natives into reforming schools and reserves, taking away much of their freedom. The Aboriginals had to change many of their ways since the Europeans made it impossible for them to practice their traditional cultural beliefs. The imperialistic attitudes of the past have led to much heartache today, as Natives are often treated with disrespect and rudeness.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Capitalism is an economic system in which the main focus is increasing individual wealth. It requires a free market, open competition, a profit motive, and at some private ownership in the means of production. Their are many adbvantaages and disadvantatges to this economic system. However, I feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. For one thing, capitalism provides valuable goods and services. It rewards hardworking people. It also creates a higher standard of living for all.

Capitalism allows people to have private businesses. These private businesses have the freedom to produce and provide whichever goods or services that they want. Quite often, these businesses focus on the one product or service. They become very good at providing and producing that good/service. They want to be the best in their field, because then more people will buy from them and they will make the most money. Making money is basically the point of capitalism.

Another benefit of capitalism is that those that are willing to work hard get rewarded. This happens because those that work hard and do the work required to create a good product produce the best goods. As a result of this, they make the most money. This is a good motivator because it teaches people to work hard; a value that is very important in life. Those that are willing to work hard to get something deserve it, and those that are not willing to work hard do not deserve it.

Capitalism creates a higher standard of living for many people. Having a high standard of living is a good thing because it usually means you have the means to and are able to live a good and comfortable life. Capitalism creates a large number of goods and services that are of a high quality. This allows the people to have more of a selection of goods and services. These goods and services benefit the lives of all the people who are able to attain them.

Capitalism has many aspects that are both good and bad. However, I believe that the good of capitalism outweighs the bad. It provides valuable goods and services. It rewards those that are willing to work hard, something that promotes hard work. It also creates a high standard of living. In my opinion, Capitalism is a good thing that can help a society to have better lives.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Dummy's Guide to Eurocentrism

Have you ever wondered what Eurocentrism is? Here are 20 points to help you understand Eurocentrism.
  1. "Euro" means Europe, so Eurocentrism has to do with Europe.
  2. "Centrism" means centered, so Eurocentrism has to do with everything being centered -around something.
  3. Put them together and "Eurocentrism" means that everything is centered around Europe.
  4. Eurocentrism is the belief that Europe is better then all other countries.
  5. It is the belief that European values and beliefs are better then other countries.
  6. It is the belief that the languages, customs, attitudes, and behaviors of Europe are superior to any others.
  7. It often excludes other cultures in a society because it is focusing on Europe.
  8. Eurocentrism tends to view the world through its ideas and terms.
  9. It tends to believe that other nations are uncivilized compared to themselves.
  10. It often believes in the need to implant European cultures and beliefs into other countries to improve them.
  11. The Eurocentrism of the past led to Europe's exploration and colonization of many countries in the world.
  12. The Eurocentrism of the past led to Europe not allowing their colonies to industrialize because they didn't want them to become competitors.
  13. Eurocentrism of the past led to almost the whole world having trade routes that led to and were owned by Europe.
  14. It led to European countries increasing their wealth because of their trade monopoly.
  15. It led to Europeans using the resources of different countries for their purposes without regard to the natives that already lived there.
  16. The Eurocentrism of Europe led to European Imperialism, during which time Europe took over much of the world.
  17. European Imperialism led to colonies owned and governed by European countries.
  18. It led to protectorates that were area's that kept their customs but were owned and protected by European countries.
  19. It led to sphere's of influence that were area's that European countries attempted to control politically and economically.
  20. European imperialism stemmed from the European countries trying to out do each other by taking over other countries.
So basically, Eurocentrism is the belief that Europe is the best.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Silk Road

It is so easy to go anywhere or get anything from anyplace. Modern technology allows us to do practically anything within a couple days. However, it wasn't always this easy. There was a time when travel was by caravan and it took weeks to go anywhere. Caravans with many people and animals would carry goods across Europe and Asia to get to their destination so they could sell their goods. Eventually, all this trade led to one major road that went everywhere in Eurasia. This was called the Silk Road. It had a big impact and caused many major changes. It connected everyone in Eurasia. It became a communications highway. It also caused many technologies to be passed between societies.

The Silk Road was really a whole bunch of different routes all across Europe and Asia. It eventually got so big that it stretched form the Roman Empire in the West all the way to the China in the East. It had many different roads that went to many different places. In this way, the world as they knew it became connected. There were so many travelers on the roads that it was easy to get from one place to another. It gathered the ancient world and allowed the people and their countries to grow closer together.

The Silk Road became a major communications link between different places. Numerous contacts would be formed between different countries and people of diverse cultures as different people traded their goods. Many of these contacts came into being as goods would move down the road through trade, exchange, gift giving, and the payment of tribute. These goods would go many places, connecting the different countries of the ancient world. They taught people many things and allowed them to gain a better understanding and knowledge of diverse countries.

The Silk Road also caused many technologies to be passed from one place to another. People would take the things they had seen and apply them in their own homes. They would buy or trade for foreign objects such as astrolabes, compasses, and gunpowder. They would then use these objects in their own lives, slightly changing their way of life. In this way, the Silk Road caused a huge transfer of technology in Europe and Asia.

The Silk Road caused many important changes to occur in the Ancient World. It connected many countries in Europe and Asia. It also was a major communications highway between countries. It caused a huge transfer of technology between countries in the Ancient World. The Silk Road changed much in the way of ancient trade for the better.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Sudan has been ruled by Britain since in 1881, at which time Britain colonialized Sudan. However, in 1899, Britain and Egypt made a deal and agreed to rule Sudan together. They ruled for over 20 years, but then they thought of something else. In the 1920's, they started a closed door policy. This was established to keep the people and cultures of North and South Sudan away from each other. The people in North Sudan were mostly of Arab descent, while the people in South Sudan were primarily African. They were kept separate. However, Sudan gained independence from Britain and Egypt in 1956. They got rid of the closed door policy, reuniting North and South. The power was handed to the Arabs from the North, so they ruled the people. They thought that Sudan was an Arabic country, so they began to force the South to do things their way. They imposed Islamic culture and religion on the Africans. Those who protested this act and resisted were stripped of many of their rights. Cultural, racial, and religious tensions were created as a result of these policies. Eventually, a civil war erupted causing many of Sudan's indigenous people of the South to be displaced and their population to decrease. I don't know what can be done to rectify this situation, but I think that if the North and South can figure out a way to work together, we can stop the crisis in Sudan.


Before the Europeans arrived in Canada, the Pacific Coast Native Americans had a cultural thing called a potlatch. This was basically a party at which they celebrated things of importance to their tribe. Different First Nations held their potlatches for different reasons, and they held them in different ways. They were usually held to mark important family occasions. Births and marriages were two of these important family occasions. They were also held to maintain or start alliances and relationships with different First Nation Tribes. They did different things at these potlatches, such as dance, sing and tell stories about the history of their nations. It was customary for the person who hosted the potlatch to display their generosity and wealth by giving away possessions and food to everyone in attendance. This generosity often left the host in poverty. In return, other families would hold a potlatch and give their stuff away. This was a great way for different First Nations families to establish themselves in their communities.

The Potlatches held by Pacific Coast First Nations are kind of like potlucks that we hold today. However, instead of one person giving everything away, everyone gives a little away, usually food of some sort. This allows us to enjoy other people's things while still maintaining our wealth and possessions.

The 2010 Olympic Torch Relay

1) The olympic torch will pass through Lethbridge. This is the closest city to my home that the torch will pass through.

  • The Priestess lights the greek torch using a trick with mirrors and the sun.
  • The Priestess lights the olympic torch with the greek torch.
  • The first torch carrier runs down a crowded street with bodyguards. He holds the torch high as people cheer all around him.
2b) The photo with the priestesses makes me feel sentimental as we connect the olympics with the previous Greek olympics. The photo of the torch getting lighted makes me feel very excited and proud to be Canadian and to have the olympics here this year. The runner holding the torch high makes me feel happy that people are excited enough about this that they would line the streets to cheer.

2c) The photos make me wonder who they got to be the Greek priestesses. Were they hand picked, was it a contest, or are they just volunteers?

2d) The main Greek Priestess is an actress who was born and lives in Athens, Greece. Her name is Maria Nafpliotou. I was unable to discover who the other priestesses were.

3) If the olympic torch were to pass through or near my community, I would definitely go and see it. It would be incredible to see the torch run through because it is a big deal for Canada to be holding the olympics. This doesn't happen very often, so it is a great opportunity. Also, by going to see the torch, we are supporting and encouraging the Canadian athletes who will be participating in the olympics. By going to see the torch, it is almost like you are a part of the 2010 olympics in Canada.

Trip of a Lifetime: I voted in the poll.